
Archive for June, 2024

Healing Season

Walking through the halls of the secondary high school, people are smiling, jovial, friendly. It is the final day of classes and the relief of the school year’s end has brought joy to the hearts of everyone in the building.

The sense of community is strong in these last days, as we are all (students, staff) eagerly anticipating the same thing … the end of the school year. It is the shared anticipation of change, of rest, of other communities.

Final days can be especially joyous, especially when they precede something new.

The school years turns into summer.

The school years turn into graduation, jobs, travel.

The work year turns into summer vacation.

The dark seasons turn into light.

When it comes to school’s year end, it is the students who struggle, who hate this institution, whose gifts are best utilized outside of our places of learning. These institutes where the unnatural practises of sitting inside, under fluorescent lighting, with only people born the same year all day, every day, is the model, but also that successful learning is often different from loving to learn.

These are the ones I smile a knowing smile with, both of us aware that not only is summer coming, but so is freedom. Freedom to be who God made them to be, free to explore, free to create, free to move … free to breathe … free to heal.

Just As The Calendar Began to Say Summer
Mary Oliver

I went out of the schoolhouse fast
and through the gardens and to the woods,
and spent all summer forgetting what I’d been taught —

two times two, and diligence, and so forth,
how to be modest and useful, and how to succeed and so forth,
machines and oil and plastic and money and so forth.

By fall I had healed somewhat, but was summoned back
to the chalky rooms and the desks, to sit and remember

the way the river kept rolling its pebbles,
the way the wild wrens sang though they hadn’t a penny in the bank,
the way the flowers were dressed in nothing but light.

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‘Real’ Life

This month a number of lovely students I know will walk a stage, be handed a diploma, have a tassel flipped and smile for the camera. Then they move on to ‘real’ life.

Thirty-seven years ago I was that student. Oh, how I would love to whisper some truths about real life to that eighteen year old! Though, to be honest, I am not sure that younger me would have listened.

Real life … what is ‘real’ life? What makes life ‘real’?

I know this much is true …

real life costs, hurts and has nothing to do with outward appearances.

real life is played out in the long, dark seasons.

real life happens when no one is looking.

Real life costs. It costs money, time and everything you thought were your assets. It often costs more than you actually have at your disposal. It can mean having to beg, borrow or steal to afford such a cost. The price of real life can make the costs of graduation or university tuition seem thrifty. Real life educates you on the lack of value of valuables,

and in the priceless value of health, relationships, purpose, breath.

Real life hurts. It can hurt physically, like when giving birth, or enduring treatments for a disease that can seem harder than the disease … or internally, emotionally when there is separation from loved ones … through distance (physical or relational), or death. Real life hurts can make your insides ache so that you cannot imagine the pain ever dissipating. Real life is when,

the pain you feel is nothing compared to the pain felt by a loved one.

Real life has nothing to do with outward appearances. The freshly cut and styled hair, the the manis and pedis, the elaborate gowns and trendy suits of graduation formals … these are merely temporary decor covering a very real soul. The only makeover for the soul is to live life authentically, truthfully, while acknowledging the handiwork of the Master …

the One true God whose fingerprint is on each soul.

As I look back thirty-seven years, I know now how very little I knew then. How very little of what the future would hold, but also how very little of what would be valuable in life. And now, as I look ahead, the only thing I know is that it will cost, I will learn, be stretched, feel pain and joy.

And may I long more each day to meet my God, one day (no hurrying that, though). In Him is all that is really real.

“Real isn’t how you are made,’ said the Skin Horse …

‘Does it hurt?’ asked the Rabbit.
‘Sometimes,’ said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. ‘When you are Real you don’t mind being hurt.’

‘Does it happen all at once, like being wound up,’ he asked, ‘or bit by bit?’
‘It doesn’t happen all at once,’ said the Skin Horse. ‘You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”
― Margery Williams Bianco, The Velveteen Rabbit

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A Soft and Gentle Rain

Where I live, we have been living in the season of SPWINTER. The calendar indicates that it is spring, but the weather isn’t always sunny and flowery and gentle and springy.

Sometimes in May or June, the weather is dreadful. There’s thunderstorms and lightning and hail and the weather gets colder, not warmer and it’s just nasty and unappealing and ruins your plans and kind of break your heart.

And then

you walk out of your door one day and the rain is falling (again), but this rain that is falling …

it’s the soft gentle type of rain.

It’s this soft, gentle rain that you can see when you’re looking ahead of yourself, but it’s so soft and so gentle that if you took a photo there would be no visual indication that it is raining.

As I was driving to work recently this soft and gentle rain was falling, and a smile

a big, directly from the deepest part within me smile

grew across my face.

(and it is a rare thing for me to smile when it is raining, to say nothing of smiling because it is raining).

And if felt like a balm, a soothing ointment for my dreary, rain-soaked state of mind.

And I immediately whispered thanks for this reprieve. Not a reprieve from the rain and clouds and dreary-all-around, but a reprieve from the harshness of the elements, an opportunity to be reminded that hope, that peace, can also exist in the midst of the storm.

And so, in life

things don’t go as we expect, or wish, or hope that they would.

and we get discouraged, disappointed and glum.

we feel we are missing out on what should be our day, week, out life.

But then,

in the midst of the dank, dark storms,

comes this gentle rain.

Rain that slows your heartbeat.

Rain that nurtures wonder.

Rain that reminds you that real peace is not an absence of storms, but peace in the midst of them.

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Lessons from a Lab

From My Daily Walk with the Lord and My Labrador

From The Darkness Into The Light

love, christ, God, devotionals ,bible studies ,blog, blogging, salvation family,vacations places pictures marriage, , daily devotional, christian fellowship Holy Spirit Evangelists

Pearl St. Gallery

Capturing Images of Life


"Retired and Finding Adventures"

Karla Sullivan

Progressive old soul wordsmith

Becoming the Oil and the Wine

Becoming the oil and wine in today's society

I love the Psalms

Connecting daily with God through the Psalms

Memoir of Me

Out of the abundance of my heart ,I write❤️

My Pastoral Ponderings

Pondering my way through God's beloved world


FIXING MY EYES on wonder in everyday life

What Are You Thinking?

I won't promise that they are deep thoughts, but they are mine. And they tend to be about theology.

Sealed in Christ

An Outreach of Sixth Seal Ministries

Amazing Tangled Grace

A blog about my spiritual journey in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Following the Son

One man's spiritual journey

Fortnite Fatherhood

A father's digital age journey with his family and his faith