
Posts Tagged ‘#achangeinfaith’


I love change … change scares me.

The conundrum of life!

This summer I have been, mentally, adjusting to impending change. I feel as though I have gone from excitement to fear, to sorrow, to doubt and back to excitement again … often all in the same day!

Though the decision for change has been made, I do not get to live in all it’s newness yet, so I am left with just the end of one thing, while awaiting the beginning of the other.

Storms, roadblocks and challenge (or lack of challenge) are often the seeds of change. Things come into our lives and make us question the status quo. We feel uncomfortable, unsteady, unsure.

For some, our first response is to flee, for others it is to fight to the bitter end. For many, we fight for awhile, then flee.

Both responses are good, both can bring us to where we need to be, what we need to learn. Both require faith in the unseen.

Hebrews 11:1 is the verse that gives definition of this blind faith:

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for,
the conviction of things not seen.”

The Matthew Henry Commentary describes what is being said in Hebrews further:

“Faith always has been the mark of God’s servants, from the beginning of the world. Where the principle is planted by the regenerating Spirit of God, it will cause the truth to be received, concerning justification by the sufferings and merits of Christ. And the same things that are the object of our hope, are the object of our faith.”

Choosing to believe in what we cannot see, but what the principles the God has taught and the character of who he is, is the most foundational aspect of our christian life.

But our blind faith comes with the assurance that that “for now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12).

Choices we make in our lives are, most frequently, choices of trust and faith in what we do not know fully. Who to marry, whether to purchase a certain home, what to order at that new restaurant, whether or not to change jobs all have uncertainty in the choice.

The choice for Christ, though, comes with the guarantee that we will have hindsight, that our sight will be returned to us, and that we will see how all the dots of our life will connect.

As Horatio Stafford said, “And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight … Even so, it is well with my soul.”  




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love, christ, God, devotionals ,bible studies ,blog, blogging, salvation family,vacations places pictures marriage, , daily devotional, christian fellowship Holy Spirit Evangelists

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