
Posts Tagged ‘extroverts’

As I was preparing (mentally) for a high school homeroom activity, and a staff retreat, I was drawn to a title for a TED video, “The Power of Introverts.” I knew that in both the homeroom activity and the staff retreat the goal would be from the perspective of “group think,” meaning that the goal was for mingling, connecting socially, getting to know each other … and all within groups that have been pre-assigned, scripted and designed for the extrovert that we should all aim to be in this life … blech!

Susan Cain’s TED talk inspired and encouraged me greatly … to be me … who God created, empowered and desired me to be.

TED introduces Susan Cain in this way:

“In a culture where being social and outgoing are prized above all else, it can be difficult, even shameful, to be an introvert. But, as Susan Cain argues in this passionate talk, introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world, and should be encouraged and celebrated.”

This video is a daunting twenty minutes long … please, please, please click on the link, and watch just three minutes! The first three minutes are the ones that any introvert could relate to, and any extrovert needs to know.

caring for introverts

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Lessons from a Lab

From My Daily Walk with the Lord and My Labrador

From The Darkness Into The Light

love, christ, God, devotionals ,bible studies ,blog, blogging, salvation family,vacations places pictures marriage, , daily devotional, christian fellowship Holy Spirit Evangelists

Pearl St. Gallery

Capturing Images of Life


"Retired and Finding Adventures"

Karla Sullivan

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Becoming the Oil and the Wine

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I love the Psalms

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Memoir of Me

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My Pastoral Ponderings

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looking for wonder in everyday life

What Are You Thinking?

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Sealed in Christ

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Amazing Tangled Grace

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Following the Son

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Fortnite Fatherhood

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