
Posts Tagged ‘#worshipmusic’

IMG_1392-0.JPGMusic can alter, or enhance, a particular mood or set of emotions that we might be feeling at a time.

For some, it is the music genre of preference that helps to change or enhance their moods.

For me, different music appeals at different times.

Dance music can sometimes draw me out of a negative mood, sometimes right up on my feet. It can amaze me how a faster, jovial beat can change the beat of my heart, creating a new adrenaline rush of hope and energy.

Praise music is what I turn to when I have spent too long naval gazing, pondering over the stuff of my life. When I sing the music of Crowder, Casting Crowns, Mandisa, Toby Mac, and Mercy Me my focus goes back to where it should be, my Life Giver.

Classic, instrumental, music is where I go when I just need to be still, when I need to calm my anxious heart, when I do not need words.

One such classic piece of music is Cello Suite No. 1. With the Prelude lasting barely over two minutes, Bach’s masterpiece can speak to my heart and soul like few human words ever could. There is a sense of peace that can rest in my soul from the first wordless sound to the final silence resonating in my heart. It is as though that piece of music can erase the noise of the train of life that we are all riding each day.


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Ever been to an East Coast kitchen party?

Not me either, but when I first heard the song, “My Lighthouse?, by Rend Collective, I felt like this was definitely a kitchen party song. I was stomping my foot and looking for objects from a wooden spoon to a toaster to keep the beat along with the artists making music.

The sound and style takes me back to my East Coast upbringing. Maybe it is because the group comes from the land of green and leprechauns … Ireland.

“My Lighthouse” reminds us that Christ is our beacon through this life. Like a lighthouse on a rugged shoreline, His light, if our eyes are fixed on Him, will guide and direct us “through the storms.”

Check this out … and see how long until your tapping your foot, toes and fingers.

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Lessons from a Lab

From My Daily Walk with the Lord and My Labrador

From The Darkness Into The Light

love, christ, God, devotionals ,bible studies ,blog, blogging, salvation family,vacations places pictures marriage, , daily devotional, christian fellowship Holy Spirit Evangelists

Pearl St. Gallery

Capturing Images of Life


"Retired and Finding Adventures"

Karla Sullivan

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Becoming the Oil and the Wine

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I love the Psalms

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Memoir of Me

Out of the abundance of my heart ,I write❤️

My Pastoral Ponderings

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FIXING MY EYES on wonder in everyday life

What Are You Thinking?

I won't promise that they are deep thoughts, but they are mine. And they tend to be about theology.

Sealed in Christ

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Amazing Tangled Grace

A blog about my spiritual journey in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Following the Son

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Fortnite Fatherhood

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